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Phnom Penh (Cambodia)

Häagen-Dazs Flagship

  • Client: Private

  • DATE: 2020
  • LOCATION: Southeast Asia

The first flagship store of the US chain in Cambodia, it is located within a newly built shopping complex in the center of the city of Phom Penh.
Starting from the guidelines proposed by the company, which provide for the use of noble materials such as light wood, marble and all brass, finishes suitable for making a sophisticated and refined environment, the project gives the new space a more connected image to the local culture, thus making it more recognizable and original in its design.
The inclusion of extensive planters, useful for containing native plant species with a strong visual impact, allows the tropical element to be contrasted with those more characteristic of a western culture prescribed for stores spread all over the world.
With the same objective, through the use of sinuous lines, a new planimetric scheme is proposed which involves all the elements of the project in a single system: the arrangement of the fixed furniture integrated with the planters which underline the perimeter of the box, defines the position of the furniture which in turn affects the design of the ceiling, the lights, the coverings and the flooring.

  • AREA: 400 mq
  • DESIGN PHASE: 2020
  • CONSTRUCTION PHASE: in progress