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Chiasso (Switzerland)

Dipharma Village

  • Client: Dipharma SA

  • DATE: 2014-2015
  • LOCATION: Chiasso, Swiss

This project for the corporate headquarters of Dipharma SA, an international pharmaceutical located in Mendrisio, Switzerland radically changed a pre-existing office space occupied by a previous tenant.  Responding to the needs of the client, the program included private offices, open space, multiple meeting rooms, phone booths, informal meeting spaces and videoconferences with the use of the most advanced technologies. However, the center of the “office village” project remains the break area, an actual pub and informal meeting space. All was executed and managed by SOLIDS starting from the client's first vision, through design, through the management of tenders and various consultants, up until the inauguration with the city authorities.

  • AREA: 1.200 mq
  • PROJECT TEAM: Solids
  • DESIGN PHASE: 2014-2015