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Parma (IT)

Barilla Center

  • Client: Quilvest

  • DATE: 2018
  • LOCATION: Parma (PR), Italy

The "Barilla Center" shopping center is located on the first production site of the Barilla family of 1910. This area underwent significant redevelopment between 2001 and 2003 with a planning project conceived by the renowned Italian architect Renzo Piano.

The proposed regeneration strategy tends towards a radical change in the user's perception of the place through widespread architectural redevelopment interventions, including general renovation, to give a new image to the entire complex and select timely and strategic transformations. The goal was to redefine the current dynamics, both commercial and "experientially."

A new architectural recognition allows to raise user awareness towards the center, renew the visitor's experience, enrich it with new activities, and promote the visitor to return.

  • AREA: 22.000 mq
  • PROJECT TEAM: Solids
  • DESIGN PHASE: 2018